DO look up.
If Don't Look Up doesn't transport you back to January 6, 2021 and then propel you forward to the gawdawful mess we'll make of this planet if we continue to shove climate to the bottom of our collective to-do list, then we aren't watching the same movie.

If you haven't watched in open-jawed horror as U.S. President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and billionaire entrepreneur Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance) spearhead the massive bungling of what COULD have been a feasible plant rescue from an impending planet-killer asteroid, make yourself a bowl of popcorn and check out this weird, important film. If Don't Look Up doesn't transport you back to January 6, 2021 and then propel you forward to the gawdawful mess we'll make of this planet if we continue to shove climate to the bottom of our collective to-do list, then we aren't watching the same movie. But Don't Look Up goes farther than a simple warning that we are waiting too long to deal with climate. It shows what can – will? – happen when our response to climate is led by uber-wealthy futurist business icons with more money than humanity. It's what happens when the media is too dependent on ads, cheap thrills, and numbers of eyes. It's how it goes when much of the population is at home tweeting and toking and the rest is making signs and cleaning their guns as they salivate over the next chance to overthrow the government. It's what happens when we cannot, should not, trust many of our elected representatives. It's what happens when the whole system is, well, rotten.
It's funny, though. Great satire. Oh, and stunningly heartfelt. Enjoy your popcorn.